BDX Customer Survey

We want to hear from you

Please take a few moments to complete our survey.

Survey - New Customer at Contract
Full Name*
Company Name*
1) Why did you purchase the BDX Listings product? Check all that apply.
Access to Content from the New Home Sales Toolkit
Breadth of BDX Network Distribution
Connect with More Real Estate Agents
Drive More Traffic to My Sales Center
Easy Data Management and Comprehensive Reporting
Improve Brand Awareness
Improve SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Ranking
Increase Traffic to Website
2) How would you rank the sales process? (1 being poor and 10 being excellent)

3) On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend BDX to another builder who is not your competitor (1 being unlikely and 10 being very likely)?
4) Do you have any suggestions of what we could have done better in this process?