Drees Homes Uses Envision to Drive Home Shopper Leads & Improve Efficiencies Post-Contract

Drees Homes has been a quality home builder for over 90 years. And while the company may have been building homes for decades and prides itself on its honest and considerate approach, there is nothing old fashioned about how they are incorporating technology into the customer journey and specifically the design process.

Drees recently started using the Envision Online Design center to help create efficiencies and drive their business forward. The company uses Envision post contract to help their buyers easily select options and has improved the efficiency of the design appointments by reducing the time spent in those appointments by 20%.

The company also uses Envision in pre-sales mode as a lead generation tool on their website. Drees allows prospects to create accounts on their site as they are shopping for their home. They can look at all of the options available (with pricing suppressed) and start visualizing their future.

Not only did the company get rave reviews from home shoppers around this approach, internal stakeholders were also impressed.

“The biggest shock for me was when we published the pre-sale (non-priced) account and before anyone even knew about it, we had ten customers create accounts over the first weekend,” said Joshua W. Gunter, Corporate Purchasing Manager for Drees Homes. “Nobody knew it was there and they still found it, registered and started creating wishlists.  As of today, there are close to 200 and we’ve been using this information for lead generation and pre-selections.  It’s been amazing how fast customers adapted to it and started using it.”     

As Drees Homes prepares for a national rollout of the solution, the Builders Digital Experience (BDX) team weighed in on how the company has positioned itself for success.

“The Drees Homes team has really embraced the Envision technology and positioned themselves as a customer experience leader in our industry,” said Alpana Arora, VP of eCommerce solutions at BDX. “Their rollout of Envision is a prime example of a builder who cares about their clients and wants to make sure the experience is inspiring and stress-free. And they are exactly the type of client we love to work with because they are employing best practices for implementation and merchandising the solution at key stages of the buyer journey.”

To learn more about how Envision can help your business excel, please email info@thebdx.com and we can work with you on a strategy.