Increasing Time on Site with 360 Visualizers

It’s often been said that a picture is worth a thousand words, but a video shows a thousand pictures.

It’s fair to assume that interactive media takes this analogy a monstrous leap forward. The ability to navigate a room or entire home at will and view options selections from different angles is a game changer. We’ve finally reached the point where online has stark benefits to in-person. One room can essentially be a hundred rooms and an endless consumer storyline of working through likes and dislikes searching for the perfect room. The results—increased time on site and deep level engagement.


360 views give shoppers the ability to view options from any angle.

Static visualizers give shoppers the ability to view options from a pre-determined angle.

360 visualizer,new home visualizer,visualizer,option changer,increasing engagement

While both the static image and the 360 visualizers both offer the benefit of increasing engagement on your website and give consumers a way to connect more with your homes, we think there is one glaring reason why increasing the immersion experience with 360 ability makes sense. Every marketer knows that time on site matters and while 2-3 minutes is the metric we aim for—in this case, more is better.

Want to learn more about adding these elements to your website or sales center? BDX can help. Email us or visit us here to learn more.