The BYTE: Text-to-Audio, SEO Tips, Social Media Dos and Don’ts, and More!

This week we’re taking a BYTE out of text-to-audio, SEO tips, social media dos and don’ts, TikTok’s desktop tools, and the vibrating anti-obesity pill.

Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest marketing and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.



Ways to Enhance Your Text-to-Audio

Reading isn’t the only option for your audience to consume content anymore. Many marketers have added the ability to listen to their long-form content with an audio version. Not only does it help make your content accessible to those with visual impairment, but it also makes it easier for people traveling or multitasking to absorb. However, text-to-audio translations are not always correct, so reviewing for errors is necessary. Content Marketing Institute‘s blog post lists some ways to help enhance your audio version and improve the experience for your audience. Listen to it on the link above.


Take Notes 

17 Tips to Elevate Your SEO Ranking

Navigating the ever-evolving landscape of Google’s SEO algorithm is essential for brand success. Forbes highlights that in 2022, 45.1% of search result clicks were organic, emphasizing the importance of an optimized SEO strategy. Organic traffic will continue to increase, so check out Link Whispers’ blog post to learn 17 valuable tips to help raise your SEO ranking and reach.

2024 Social Media Dos and Don’ts

New year, new social media strategy. It’s time to reflect on the fundamentals of social media and ensure you’re paying attention to key elements, such as using consistent branding, to help benefit your plan. GiraffeSocial breaks down vital social media dos and don’ts into categories to help you, including creating content, interacting and engaging, using hashtags, and updating profiles. View their infographic here.

TikTok’s Analytics Tools for Desktop

TikTok is currently working on some desktop-based creator tools for analytics insights and discovery tools. One new update they released for the Creator Center is a new format that makes it easy to view content performance with a full-screen display of critical social media metrics. Read more about this new feature and the other desktop tools to boost your social media performance on Social Media Today‘s blog post.


Totally Unrelated 

Vibrating Anti-Obesity Pill 

MIT scientists created a vibrating pill that could help solve obesity. The scientists’ invention mimics the effects of drinking a full glass of water, which dieticians recommend doing to signal to your brain that your stomach is full. While MIT’s capsule has not been tested on humans yet, it has seen some success with animals. According to TechCrunch, test subjects’ food consumption decreased by about 40% after taking the pill. Learn more about this project at the link above.