The BYTE: TikTok Creative AI Assistant, Landing Pages, Headlines, and More!

This week we’re taking a BYTE out of TikTok’s Creative AI Assistant, headlines, social media listening, landing pages, and a robot wolf.

Welcome to the BYTE, where we serve up the latest marketing and tech news from the last week for you to sink your teeth into.



TikTok’s Creative AI Assistant

TikTok’s new AI-powered virtual assistant is helping creators support their video creation journey, introducing the TikTok Creative Assistant. The groundbreaking tool helps streamline the ideation process, giving users more time to unlock their creative potential. Learn more about this marketing tool from TikTok’s blog post.


Take Notes 

Eight Questions to Write Click-Worthy Headlines

According to Copyblogger’s Brian Clark, eight out of ten people will read the headline, but only two will read further. So, the headline is the first impression and deciding factor whether a reader will read on or not.

Writing a compelling headline is essential for your content to see success. However, it takes practice to master this skill. Check out these eight questions from the Content Marketing Institute to improve your headlines.

Social Media Listening 

Social media listening, also known as social media monitoring, analyzes online discussions referencing your brand. Monitoring the social media mentions of your brand goes beyond direct customer interaction to gain valuable insights to help develop a responsive marketing strategy. However, social listening tools are needed to keep up with all the online conversations. Learn more about the tools in Brafton’s article.

20 Examples of Well-Designed Landing Pages

A well-designed landing page is a powerful marketing tool that has the potential to turn a website visitor into a customer. Crafting an effective landing page requires a strategic method with compelling writing and design and usually points to one main call to action to convert. Check out 30 well-known brands’ landing page examples to gain inspiration on Search Engine Journal‘s blog post.


Totally Unrelated 

Bear-repelling “Monster Wolf” Robot

Much like scarecrows keep crows away from crops, Japan uses a scaring tactic to keep hungry bears from entering cities. However, instead of scarecrows, they’re using “Monster Wolf” robots that repel bears with a menacing roar and glowing red eyes. The robot wolf is being deployed nationwide with the rise of bear attacks. Read the full story on Digital Trends.