Reviews are an integral part of business in our digital age of consumerism. When you hear about a new restaurant, service or labor company, we generally hop on the internet to see business reviews. We have Yelp, Facebook Reviews, HomeAdvisor, TripAdvisor, Google reviews, and more. With this broad spectrum of resources customers can check before they even set foot in your business, it’s important to understand the importance of reviews, how to respond to them and how to field negative reviews, use them to your advantage, and gain even more business.
Here are a few reasons reviews are important for your business!
- Brand Awareness – According to Bazaarvoice, 41% of consumers think that when a business responds to reviews, they really care about their consumers and 35% think they have great customer service.
- Brand Strengthening – Studies show that shopper intent to purchase doubles when seeing a brand’s response to a negative review versus no response from the company.
- Brand Validation – Another study found that 93% of people read product reviews before making an online purchase. That’s nearly 100% of potential consumers who research product reviews before even beginning to make a decision.
- Generation of New Leads – Just ONE review shows an increase of 10% in orders. More reviews lead to more purchases. A study found that 50 reviews generally lead to 30% increase in orders. But at 200 reviews orders jumped to an astounding increase of 44%
- SEO Improvement – SEO benefits begin to emerge with significant gains in natural search traffic. Search Engine Optimization helps search engines and users understand your website and the websites content. SEO improvement builds trust and credibility when users search for your company, meaning, having a higher spot when users search for the brand, users are generally more likely to trust the brand.
Reviews give people insight into the quality of the brand and what they have to offer. Reviews give buyers more purchasing power than ever before. There are a multitude of effective ways to manage these reviews and methods to use these negative reviews to your advantage.
What are the most proven and effective methods to respond to negative reviews? There are different avenues to take – but always be sure to remember to never take it personally or accuse the customer of being wrong. One thing to always remember when replying to negative reviews is to treat these as a hidden opportunity.
Powered by, TrustBuilder delivers honest reviews from real homeowners about the home buying experience. The program creates the industry destination for reviews that are independent, transparent and credible, driving a truer and more positive representation of home buyer sentiment. Email us or click to learn more!