There are many people on our BDX team who have attended the International Builders’ Show five, ten or even fifteen times. However, we also have Tammie Smoot, who has attended 20+ times – so many she’s actually lost count. Once you hit that level, the title of expert is given out, as it should be. We asked Tammie, IBS Attendee Extraordinaire, what practical pro tips and advice she could offer for first time attendees or those that need a little refresher!
Dress in Layers
You’ll be in the desert, but you’ll be in the desert in the winter. So, it will be cold at night and possibly chilly during the day too. Layering is the answer – you’ll find yourself outside while waiting for a ride share, bus or the monorail to get you from your hotel to the show. Plus, once you’re inside, with the challenges of regulating the temperature in a space so big, expect some ups and downs throughout the day
A Backpack
As you wander around the show floor you’ll be sure to acquire handouts and trinkets and if you took the layering advice above, you’ll also need somewhere to put that discarded sweater – a backpack is the key to keeping everything together!
You will likely be on your feet for the majority of each day so when it comes to shoes, choosing between possibly a little ugly but definitely comfy versus high fashion and high chance of blisters… the first option is naturally the way to go. Better yet, add some plush insoles into the mix for maximum comfort.
Hydration and Snacks
Yes, this makes Tammie sound like your mom, but she’s just looking out for you. That desert air has a way of dehydrating you, so bring your water bottle, don’t forget to use it and refill it when you can. Another use for your backpack — snack storage! Save time lining up for food by dipping into the snack assortments you brought along.
Phone App and charger
Before you leave the reliability of your home Wi-Fi, don’t forget to download the IBS Mobile App. Everything you could possibly need to make the most of the show is included in the app, so you’ll be using it a lot – which brings us to our last tip, don’t forget to bring a portable phone charger and re-charge it every night.
Stay warm, comfy, hydrated and charged, enjoy the show, and make sure to drop by booth W3443 to thank Tammie in person and learn about all the solutions BDX can provide for you.